Vakansiya! Tanınmış beynəlxalq təşkilatda çalışmaq imkanı
Oxfam təşkilatından yeni vakansiya
National Gender Programme Officer
Oxfam GB is looking to recruit a highly motivated individual for the position of National Gender Programme Officer based in its Baku office. Applicants are required to complete an attached Oxfam job application form. ( Oxfam_GB_application_form.DOC )
This is mandatory as only job application forms would be accepted. Applications should be send by email to [email protected] specifying “National Gender Programme Officer " in the subject line. Only those applicants selected for interview will be contacted.
Oxfam strives to be an equal opportunity employer and therefore encourages applications from women and the disabled.
Key Responsibilities:
• To provide direct support to country programme staff in project development and strategy making from gender lens
• To advise country programme staff and managers on issues of gender justice and to support gender mainstreaming in the project cycle management
• To lead the implementation of the Country Gender Justice Action Plan
• To encourage and support peer learning and support networks, communities of practice and cross-regional learning
• To ensure all programme activities are within Oxfam policies and promote gender-sensitive ways of working.
• To ensure gender inequality being understood within beneficiary groups and plans to address this through gender justice action plan.
• To support country program monitoring, evaluation and learning
• To support country alliances, partnerships and relationships for learning and influence in relation to gender justice, gender equality women’s leadership
• To undertake networking and campaigning work towards agreed objectives and to facilitate involvement by program staff and partners in influencing work.
• To undertake a study on unpaid care work of women iand capture gender development
• To develop fundraising action plan for women economic empowerment programme
Skills and Competences:
• Excellent analytical and critical thinking ability, with a postgraduate qualification in public policy and administration, political science, international development and gender studies or related field of study. (E)
• A minimum of three years experience in gender equity programme development and proven ability to develop and manage institutional relationships. (E)
• Excellent proposal writing, communication, facilitation and representation skills at local and national levels. (E)
• Strong understanding of gender and experience in integrating these into country programmes, such as food security, local self-governance development, Public Finance Management, DRR and climate change(E)
• Understanding of advocacy, campaigning and communications and how they contribute to achieving programme goals. (E)
• Experience in providing gender advisory support to both senior managers and programme staff and well-developed ability to facilitate learning and knowledge management. (E)
• Ability to lead and motivate others strong self-awareness and inter-personal skills. (E)
• Computer literate and strong English and Azeri language skills. (E)
Closing date for applications: 16 December 2013
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