HR-lərin DİQQƏTİNƏ! III International HR Conference-da İŞTİRAK İMKANI
Mayın 16-da Tbilisidə III Beynəlxalq İR Konfransı keçiriləcək. "Texnologiya Dövrü və İR (The Age of Technology and HR)" mövzusunda olacaq təlimdə yerli və xarici natiqlərin çıxışı olacaq.
Təlim haqqında məlumat aşağıdakı kimidir:
III International HR Conference
"The Age of Technology and HR"
Date: 16 May, 2018
Place: Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel (Rose Revolution Square 1, Tbilisi, 0108, Georgia)
Languages: Georgian, English
Managers of Government Institutions, NGO’s and successful Private Companies, HR managers.
Familiarization with modern software and technological solutions, innovations, new HR
instruments, opportunities of resource application for effective and efficient solution of
complicated problems current in Human Resource Management in VUCA (volatile, uncertain,
complex and ambiguous) world.
Conference Major Directions:
Human Resource Management, Internal PR, Internal Communication, Organizational Culture,
Management of Legal issues, IT.
Conference Format:
Speeches of scientists, professionals and highly qualified specialists, round table, informal
The cost of participation:
95 $
If the fee is paid before April 27, 2018
60 $
The fee of participation in the conference shall be transferred to the account given below not
later than May 5, 2018, 5 p.m.:
Beneficiary: HR Professionals’ Guild LLC
BEN’S IBAN: GE60TB7073136120100002
NAME OF BENEFICIARY: Eichar propesionalta gildia
Please, indicate the code - III International HR Conference - on the payment form and your
name and surname
Contact information:
Phone: +995(599) 559 338
E-mail: [email protected]
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